Freakonomics and Cancer Treatment

Economist Steven Levitt and writer Stephen Dubner are two awesome dudes who teamed up to write two of my favorite books in the last few years: Freakonomics and SuperFreakonomics.  They use research and statistical analysis to solve some of the most complex riddles of modern life.  Absolutely fascinating stuff. I was thrilled to discover in … Continue reading

Why I didn’t do Chemo

Like I’ve said before, I am not a doctor or a scientist.  I am a self-educated chemo-free cancer survivor and I often have people contact me who want to know more. So I am going to explain in the simplest terms what I have come to understand and believe to be true about chemotherapy; and … Continue reading


In January of 2004, one month after my surgery, my wife Micah and I went to the cancer clinic for the first time. It didn’t go so well. I had already decided against chemotherapy after reading about the raw food diet in God’s Way To Ultimate Health. To my dismay, my decision was not well … Continue reading