Giant Cancer-Fighting Salad Video

I whipped up this little video to show you how I make my salads and salad dressing.


Coconut Fruit Smoothie Video

Ok so after several requests I decided to shoot a quick video on the raw vegan coconut fruit smoothie I drank everyday as part of my anti-cancer diet.

Weekday Vegetarianism?

We all know the arguments that being vegetarian is better for your health, the environment, and animals – – but in a carnivorous culture it can be hard to make the change.  Graham Hill has a powerful pragmatic suggestion. Be a weekday vegetarian. This 4 minute video is excellent and neatly summarizes my post-cancer diet. … Continue reading

Why I didn’t do Chemo

Like I’ve said before, I am not a doctor or a scientist.  I am a self-educated chemo-free cancer survivor and I often have people contact me who want to know more. So I am going to explain in the simplest terms what I have come to understand and believe to be true about chemotherapy; and … Continue reading

What I Eat Now, Post-Cancer

Before I got cancer I ate whatever I wanted, which was a lot of processed and cooked food. Micah and I both worked a lot and didn’t prepare fresh meals often.  I ate bacon, eggs and toaster waffles for breakfast; and Super Sized fast food for lunch, which was usually a double cheeseburger, fries and a … Continue reading

Young & Restless (Leg Syndrome)

CASE STUDY: I saw a commercial recently for a medical condition called RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). Seriously? This is a medical condition now requiring a prescription drug?  Are you freakin kidding me? We’ve all had restless leg syndrome.  I’m laying in bed and can’t get my legs comfortable; and they’re a little bit twitchy.  It’s … Continue reading

The Anti-Cancer Smoothie

That’s the abbreviated title.  The full name is: The Raw Vegan Anti-Cancer Super Anti-Oxidant Smoothie! This recipe was given to me as part of my Anti-Cancer Diet by my Naturopath John Smothers and I drank it nearly everyday, usually as an afternoon snack. Surgeon Generals Warning: Highly Addictive Deliciousness. Here is the recipe: 1 Young … Continue reading

Featured Post: The Raw Vegan Diet and Cancer

Before I get into the details of the raw vegan diet, it’s important to understand that our bodies are complex biological machines, and the food we eat is the fuel. Our bodies are brilliantly designed by God to convert all types of food substances into fuel and energy to sustain life. When you eat, you … Continue reading

The Giant Cancer-Fighting Salad

To strengthen your body’s ability to fight cancer, you need to eat what I ate: The biggest baddest healthiest salad on the planet! It consists of raw organic vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts and homemade dressing. This salad is super healthy, delicious and will fill you up without zapping your energy. The raw vegan diet was … Continue reading

My My My Cancer Face, My My Cancer Face

That was me on Christmas Day December 2003 with a sweet handlebar moustache. Unfortunately my Christmas present that year was colon cancer. A week after this picture was taken I had surgery. The doctors took out a third of my large intestine and told me the cancer had spread. They said it was stage 3 … Continue reading