• a chemo-free survivor’s health blog

    My name is Chris Wark, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer in 2003, at 26 years old. Instead of chemo, I changed my diet and did every alternative therapy I could find. Now nearly 7 years later by the grace of God, I'm alive and kicking; and cancer free!!!
    I started writing to share my story; my discoveries about health and wellness; and what I did to beat cancer.
    I have so much awesome stuff to share with you, I can't wait to get it all on here.

    Subscribe to my blog below!

Giant Cancer-Fighting Salad Video

I whipped up this little video to show you how I make my salads and salad dressing.


Is Farm-Raised Fish Healthy?

    Perhaps you’ve heard the dietary health advice “Eat less red meat and more fish”. In a perfect world this is good advice, but in the real world there is a very important factor that is often ignored.  You should take the same approach to the food you eat as you do to the … Continue reading

Fluoride is Poison

In 1945 local water treatment facilities began to add sodium fluoride to our water supply. Ever wondered why?  Well you’re about to find out! The first thing you should know is that the fluoride they put in our water is not a pharmaceutical grade additive. Sodium Fluoride is an industrial waste byproduct from aluminum manufacturing. … Continue reading

Freakonomics and Cancer Treatment

Economist Steven Levitt and writer Stephen Dubner are two awesome dudes who teamed up to write two of my favorite books in the last few years: Freakonomics and SuperFreakonomics.  They use research and statistical analysis to solve some of the most complex riddles of modern life.  Absolutely fascinating stuff. I was thrilled to discover in … Continue reading

Salt. Not the movie, the mineral.

You’ve probably heard that a diet high in sodium is unhealthy because it is a risk factor for Cardiovascular and Kidney Disease.   Processed foods have very high levels of salt, and a diet high in salt actually leads to salt dependence by your body.  This is why you crave salty foods; just like a … Continue reading

Top 12 Dirtiest Fruits and Vegetables

Unless you’ve been living in a cave or perhaps Cuba, you’ve probably heard that buying organic produce is better. The most important reason to buy organic is to avoid exposure to the toxic chemical pesticides and fertilizers used to grow commercial produce these days. In case you’re wondering, pesticides have been linked to some serious … Continue reading

Mutant Milk: Kicking the Sacred Cow

In case you hadn’t noticed, the dairy industry is spending millions of dollars every year to convince you that you need to drink milk, like superman here. When I was a kid their slogan was, “Milk, it does a body good,” and for the last 17 years they’ve paid hundreds of celebrities to pose with a … Continue reading

Corn: not a vegetable, not healthy

Although most folks think of corn as a vegetable, it’s actually a high starch grain. And you may be surprised to know that it has very little health benefit compared to other produce, which is why we don’t really eat much of it anymore in our house. King Corn is a independent documentary film about … Continue reading

Coconut Fruit Smoothie Video

Ok so after several requests I decided to shoot a quick video on the raw vegan coconut fruit smoothie I drank everyday as part of my anti-cancer diet.

Nuts for Coconuts!!!

One of the healthiest foods you aren’t eating is the coconut, and no, Almond Joys don’t count.  I ate coconuts everyday as part of my anti-cancer diet. Now you may have had a pina colada, or coconut in a dish at some point, but very few people I’ve met have ever actually eaten a fresh … Continue reading